
Our highly innovative
biofeedback technology

A full system scan that works in harmony with your body as it

reads your energetic signatures - providing you with a

comprehensive analysis, report, and treatment approach.


Harness the Power of Bioenergetics

for Optimal Health

Discover a non-invasive, drug-free path to wellness as we work together to uncover your health concerns and empower you in your own healing journey. Our bioenergetics services are designed to address the unique needs of each individual.

Wellness Approach:

Address the root causes of

health concerns rather than

just treating symptoms.

Personalized Care:

Receive customized recommendations based on your body's unique energy readings.

Advanced Technology:

Utilize state-of-the-art

biofeedback technology

for precise assessments.

Rebalance your body's systems with cutting-edge technology.

Give your body the support it’s asking for.

Our bioenergetics services harness the power of quantum physics to assess and rebalance the body's systems, promoting optimal health and vitality. Bioenergetic testing is not a diagnostic testing technique but, instead, is a way to gain information from your innate intelligence to bring you and every one of your systems back into complete balance for optimal health and wellness.


  • Multiple Symptoms: Obtain vital information about what the top priority for you at the time

    of testing for complete physical and spiritual healing, restored balance, and optimal health.

  • Personalized Recommendations: Utilize multiples pathways for healing at once - eliminating stress from forced healing of focused areas that put pressure on other

    areas of your system

  • Energetic Imprints: Take home energetically imprinted vials for continued support

Discover your path to optimal health today!


Understanding the science behind our approach.

Bioenergetics is based on the principle that our bodies have an energetic balance influencing our overall well-being.

During a session:

  • You hold copper nodes that send and receive frequency information.

  • Our Qest4 machine identifies imbalances in organs, glands, and systems.

  • We provide personalized recommendations to restore balance and healing.


  • Initial Consultation: Discuss your health goals and concerns.

  • Energy Scanning: Non-invasive scan of your body’s energy systems.

  • Results & Recommendations: Detailed report and tailored wellness plan.

  • Ongoing Support: Energetic imprints and follow-up sessions.

Discover the science of bioenergetics!

Using biofeedback technology, allow our QUEST4 machine to read your body’s

energetic frequencies to illuminate a pathway forward for greater change.

Get started by selecting your package below!


Foundational Healing

One bioenergetics session that includes:

3 basic scans with consultation (will include supplement suggestions and treatment plan)

2 additional scans of choice (as needed)

Personalized reports emailed

 One 15-minute (or 30min) Kloud session or Free shipping of Vials

Access to discounted supplements through our online wholesale.

Additional imprinted tinctures full price


Enhanced Wellness
(Savings $85)

Three bioenergetics sessions, each session includes:

3 basic scans with consultation (will include supplement suggestions and treatment plan)

2 additional scans of choice (as needed)

Personalized reports emailed

One 15-minute (or 30min) Kloud session or Free shipping of Vials

Access to discounted supplements through our online wholesale. Additional imprinted tinctures full price


Advanced Transformation

(Savings )

Three bioenergetics sessions, each session includes:

3 basic scans with consultation (will include supplement suggestions and treatment plan)

2 additional scans of choice (as needed)

Personalized reports emailed

One 15-minute (or 30min) Kloud session or Free shipping of Vials

Access to discounted supplements through our online wholesale. Additional imprinted tinctures full price


32 30-minute Blue Mist Energy Healing Sessions

Unlimited Access to over 50 Shift and Lift Audios


Create your own unique healing experience!

$150 Blue Mist Energy Healing Session

$225 KiGraphy Personalized Watercolor and Healing Art

$45 Shift & Lift Audios:  Intro to Blue Mist Energy Healing

(Over 50 audios to create lift for your day; unlimited use)

Check out What Else is Happening at SoulWorks!

304 Mt Mercy Dr,

Pewee Valley, KY 40045

To schedule an appointment or for more information:

Contact us:

304 Mt Mercy Dr,

Pewee Valley, KY 40045

Contact us:

To schedule an appointment or for more information:

(502) 640-9018

© 2024 SoulWorks, LLC. All Rights Reserved

304 Mt Mercy Dr, Pewee Valley, KY 40045

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